Briton Ferry Llansawel are supporting the ‘Football Association of Wales Fair Play Week’ which will run from Friday the 22nd of September to Sunday 1st of October and reinforces the importance of mutual respect on and off the pitch and encourages a reduction in on-field misconduct.

The ‘FAW Fair Play’ Code promotes the important message of ‘Fair Play’ throughout Welsh football, which aims to inspire Players, Clubs, Match Officials and Supporters to maintain good on-field discipline by abiding by the Laws of the Game, in addition to respecting all members of the Welsh Football Family.
To further encourage respectful behaviour that aligns to the ‘FAW Fair Play’ Code, the FAW incentivises and rewards clubs who are taking a proactive role in reducing on-field misconduct. To achieve this, each month, the FAW publishes National Leagues Fair Play Tables and the Clubs who top their respective Fair Play table at the end of the season are awarded a Fair Play Award and a prize of £1000 that is available to be spent on improving their Club.
Briton Ferry Llansawel will be commemorating the ‘FAW Fair Play’ week by displaying ‘FAW Fair Play’ pennants at Old Road on September 24th when Cwmbran Celtic will be the visitors.
The FAW’s Disciplinary Manager, Margaret Barnett said:
“The FAW’s Fair Play Campaign Week is important to further promote the Fair Play message and to remind everyone involved in football, whether that is the Players, Match Officials, Coaches or Supporters, the importance of being respectful to one another.
"At the FAW we are incredibly grateful to our Clubs and individuals for supporting this campaign across previous seasons.”
You can find more information at
Mae Briton Ferry Llansawel yn cefnogi ‘Wythnos Chware Teg Cymdeithas Pêl-droed Cymru’ a fydd yn rhedeg o ddydd Gwener 22 Medi tan ddydd Sul 1 Hydref ac sy’n atgyfnerthu pwysigrwydd parch cydfuddiannol ar ac oddi ar y cae, ac yn annog lleihad mewn camymddwyn ar y cae.
Mae Cod ‘Chwarae Teg CBDC’ yn dyrchafu’r neges bwysig o ‘Chwarae Teg’ drwy gydol bêldroed yng Nghymru, sydd â’r nod o ysbrydoli Chwaraewyr, Clybiau, Swyddogion y Gêm a Chefnogwyr i gadw disgyblaeth dda ar y cae trwy gadw at Gyfreithiau’r Gêm, yn ogystal i barchu pob aelod o’r teulu pêl-droed yng Nghymru.
Er mwyn annog ymddygiad parchus ymhellach sy'n cyd-fynd â Chod ‘Chwarae Teg CBDC,’ mae CBDC yn cymell ac yn gwobrwyo clybiau sy'n chwarae rhan ragweithiol i leihau camymddwyn ar y cae. I gyflawni hyn, bob mis, mae CBDC yn cyhoeddi Tablau Chwarae Teg y Cynghreiriau Cenedlaethol ac mae'r Clybiau sydd ar frig eu tabl Chwarae Teg ar ddiwedd y tymor yn derbyn Gwobr Chwarae Deg a gwobr o £1000 sydd ar gael i'w wario ar wella eu Clwb.

Bydd Briton Ferry Llansawel yn coffáu wythnos ‘Chwarae Teg CBDC’ drwy arddangos penynnau ‘Chwarae Teg CBDC’ yn y Cwmbran Celtic.
Dywedodd Rheolwr Disgyblu CBDC, Margaret Barnett:
“Mae Wythnos Ymgyrch Chwarae Teg CBDC yn bwysig i ddyrchafu’r neges Chwarae Deg ymhellach ac i atgoffa pawb sy’n ymwneud â phêl-droed, boed hynny yw’r Chwaraewyr, Swyddogion y Gêm, Hyfforddwyr neu Gefnogwyr, y pwysigrwydd bod yn barchus at ei gilydd.
"Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i'n Clybiau ac unigolion am gefnogi'r ymgyrch hon dros y tymhorau blaenorol."
Ewch i am fwy o wybodaeth.